Sunday, September 11, 2016

Welcome to SEE!

Hoping everyone enjoyed Labor Day weekend. What a terrific start to our new school year! It was a pleasure having met some new parents and seeing some familiar faces as well. The teachers are very excited to see that the children have happily settled into a routine and they are enjoying making new friends! 

This week we introduced classroom jobs back into the classroom. The children really enjoy having a job. We explained that not everyone will get a job everyday but everyone will get a turn. The morning jobs include the "hello stick," calendar helper, schedule reader, weather watcher, line leader and snack helper. 

To set the tone for our classroom, the teachers and children did some role playing about being respectful and kind to one another, sharing toys, taking turns with classroom materials and to respect one another's hard work. All of the children are learning our classroom language and beginning to form new friendships.

You will also notice some subtle changes in what we call the activities of our morning.  For example, "free play" is changing to "social play" as we focus on socialization and fostering friendships.  This first week of school was laid back as the children had many opportunities to freely explore the classroom.  We had many activities available each day including homemade playdough, stringing beads, trains, kinetic sand and an assortment of building manipulates.  We also began to work on each student's portfolio to prepare for Curriculum Night (more info coming soon).

During Mary Beth's music and movement class, we met an imaginary fairy named Princess Rosie. We pretended she was listening as each friend had a chance to roll the ball to another friend and say his or her friend’s name. We sang and danced before we said goodbye to Princess Rosie.  Mr. Ed will also be back soon.

To wrap up the week, our friend, Emily, read "The Three Little Pigs" to the class like a pro, she really captured the attention of the class as she read. Great job, Emily!

What's up Next:
Next week we begin learning about our five senses. This week we will begin with our hearing sense. We will also wrap-up the children's portfolio work. We are very excited for you to see your child's portfolio at Curriculum Night.

Upcoming Dates and Reminders:

October 3: October tuition is due
October 10: SEE closed in observance of Columbus Day
TBA: Curriculum Night
TBA: October's monthly gathering
TBA: Classroom Halloween celebration
November 1: November tuition is due
November 11: SEE closed in observance of Veteran's Day
November 23: SEE closes at 3:00pm
November 24-25: SEE closed in observance of Thanksgiving

Pictures from the week:
Exploring colors while practicing fine motor skills

Scooping and pouring sand in the sensory table

Exploring Magformers

Thank you to all the parents, children and SEE teachers for a smooth transition back to school.
Pauline and Joanna

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